Teacher Training and Professional Development
We have extensive experience and success delivering complete Teacher Training programs (to aspiring and new teachers) and Professional Development workshops (to experienced teachers). So whether you are a new or aspiring ESL teacher, or an experienced teacher, we can help you excel and stand out above other teachers. Dennis draws from his experience in corporate training in the hotel industry, then as a Berlitz teacher, then Berlitz trainer, and then a Berlitz trainer of trainers. Then in 2005, when he joined the Princeton YWCA ESL program as an instructor, the ESL Director, after observing one of Dennis's classes, asked him to provide a professional development workshop to her other teachers. She wanted the other teachers to implement, in their classes, the same strategies and techniques as Dennis does. Several years later, when that director left the YWCA for a new position, and a new director was hired, that director observed all the teachers giving classes and this director too asked Dennis to provide a workshop for the teachers. She too wanted other teachers to implement the same strategies and techniques Dennis uses because both directors saw how interactive and effective Dennis's lessons were, and how much more the students enjoyed them and learned from him. Read below what some teachers have said about Dennis's training and workshops.
Recommendations and Experiences
Nicole Tomassi wrote "I’ve been teaching ESL for more than 20 years and am also a TESOL Certification Course Instructor for Oxford Seminars. As part of my professional development this year, I just took Dennis Gutierrez’s One-Day Workshop for Experienced ESL Teachers. I had met Dennis back in 1990 when he hired me as an Instructor and then as a Teacher Trainer for Berlitz International. In this workshop, I learned two completely new strategies and two new teaching techniques. These strategies helped me to challenge my students even more than I had been already. In just the first two weeks of using them, I’ve seen my clients learn to speak more accurately and fluently in less time. I considered myself pretty effective at teaching students to ask questions and in helping them to think in the target language, but the techniques I learned at Dennis’s workshop sharpened my ability in this area too. Finally, the Business English strategies and techniques that he taught me have come in handy both personally and as a teacher. I can now teach Business English with more confidence and more knowledge to help my clients with their day-to-day needs as well as their meetings and presentations needs. The opportunity to work in several live sessions with Dennis’s clients quickly brought the strategies and techniques to life. This would be an invaluable asset to any ESL instructor."
Amalia wrote "Recibí entrenamiento de Dennis Gutierrez y aprendí más de 12 estrategias y técnicas que me permitieron ser una instructora muy efectiva. Las técnicas que aprendí me permitieron ayudar a mis alumnos poder pensar en español, hablar correctamente y con fluidez, y poder funcionar efectivamente en poco tiempo. Antes de tomar su entrenamiento, no me había dado cuenta que habían técnicas específicas que podrían ayudar a alguien a poder pensar en el idioma que estaban aprendiendo. El entrenamiento con Dennis fue una gran inversión que verdaderamente valió la pena!"
Shizuna wrote "デニスの英語レッスンを始めて2年経った頃、私は彼の「ティーチャートレーニングプログラム」を受けました。レッスン中、彼の教授方針やテクニックに興味を持ち、習ってみたいと思いました。そしていつか日本に帰国し、自分が英語を教える機会でそのテクニックを使えると思いました。トレーニング中は教授方針やテクニックのセオリーを学ぶだけでなく、それを実践練習する機会もありました。私はデニスに生徒役になってもらって練習しました。それは自分の間違いから学んだり、私に英語を教える際に彼が使っている教授方針やテクニックを自然と使えるようになる機会も得られました。この経験は英語を学ぶうえで私に新しい見識を与えてくれ、より理解が深まりました。私は英語教師を希望される方に、このトレーニングを受講することをお勧めします。"